About - more information - contact - that's me - über mich - Kontakt - Infos

Schamann Sounds and Walks - Schamann musikalische Spaziergänge - Keyboards, Synthesizers, Guitars, Voices, eDrums, Drums - Fotos - Pictures - Fotografien - Videos - Bilder - paintings - Malerei - Kurzgeschichten - short stories - Gedanken - Weisheiten - Zitate


Somewhere in Switzerland - Europe

all music and songs by Schamann
all words by Schamann
all Instruments (*) by Schamann

A lot of Pictures/Photos by a friend <eReS>

(*) all Guitars and electronic instruments like Synthesizers, more Keyboards, 
eStringendInstruments, eDrums, eRhythms and some eVocals, eVoices

Kontakt/contact: schamann@gmx.de
eMails werden nur periodisch gelesen und beantwortet - bitte Geduld

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